Saturday, January 5, 2008


Well this is my portfiolio. I submitted over 90 drawings and paintings, an animated short film, and a sketchbook in for review, unfortunately some of the drawings and sketchbook did not make it here in digital form. Others that are shown were not submitted, they are marked with (*) above them. Regretfully, I did not have time to photograph most of my animal drawings. All I have to do now is wait and hope I get accepted. Enjoy!!!!

Supplemental: Fine Art: Design


Supplemental: Fine Art: Paintings





Supplemental: Animation: Short Film-LEO

Life Drawing : Animals: Apes

unfortunately I was not able to get pictures of any of the other panels of animals including mammals and birds.

Life Drawing : 10 - 30 min. poses




Life Drawing: 2 - 5 min. poses